Swag bags table |
It was the perfect size because there were enough vendors to choose from, but not too many of each. Other large shows can be compared to speed dating for brides, but with Tie The Knot, brides had a chance to have a small chat with any vendor they wanted.
Even within the same category, each vendor was not even comparable. They did the best job of not only selecting each vendor, but separating us within the room. It was such a different venue location which helped in making the show so unique.
Swag bags given to the first 200 attendees |
Thank you so much to my amazing boyfriend who has helped and supported me every step of the way. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and liked my work.
For brides that visited me at the show, don't forget about the $200 gift check enclosed in my brochure booklet :) Book your consultation and let me know you have it. Winner of the album to be announced soon!!
If you missed me at the show, check out my website at www.nicoleamanda.ca
My lovely booth with the most wonderful boyfriend ever. |
Check out what they're up to by visiting their website and giving them a like on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. If you missed the most amazing event ever, you'll be able to catch their next ones!
All photos by BH Photography