Okay, so I've been thinking about this for a long time now..I've just been procrastinating like usual. There hasn't been a lot going on (so I thought) so I didn't really think to blog. I'm going to have to start getting on a weekly minimum.
I shouldn't say there hasn't been a lot going on, because that would be a lie. I just didn't think people would really care. What I have been doing recently is thinking of bridal shows like crazy.
I attended my first little bridal show in Kemptville two weeks ago and my brain has been on overdrive ever since. This was my display at the Bride & Groom Show hosted by the University of Guelph Kemptville Campus.
At the same time, I have been planning not-so-baby steps for my next show. I am so excited for the upcoming Tie The Knot Ottawa bridal show on February 22 at the Canadian Museum of Nature. My boyfriend has been just understatedly helpful with everything and I am so grateful for his faith in me and helping me succeed. Right now we are building my booth and I can't wait to show it to you.