On Monday, my boy turned the big 2-0. Yup, I'm the older woman (jeez, only by 7.5 months)! We will soon have been together 3 years and I wouldn't take back one day of it. Here are 20 things that you might not already know:
1. He insists on carrying all of my things, always
...this often includes my personal being when I'm having hip/knee/leg issues
2. He is often surprised by my business ideas, especially since he is a businessman
3. I am blessed to have my businessman when my ideas are not so fluid
4. I am slowly converting him more and more into a country music fan
5. He gives the best foot massage
6. He always drives, well lately I love my Civic, but we'll see how long that lasts
7. He will drop everything at any moment to help out a friend
8. He over-works himself all of the time, he can't say no because he doesn't want to let anyone down.
9. He is my biggest fan, and I'm his. He believes in me when I don't
10. He's super optimistic and inspires me to be (I'm often not)
11. He thinks that my photography business is booming, even though I constantly wanting to improve things
(hey, he's the one in business school here! maybe I should trust him)
12. He smiles every time I ask his mom for a recipe, knowing I will make all of these things when we move out
13. He will jump leaps and bounds for a bowl of ice cream
14. He is a complete winter baby and loves the snow so much that it makes up for my hate for it
15. We are the same way where as if something we are excited about is unfinished, he is uneasy and restless until it is
16. He is in the works of turning me into a sane person - before, if I wasn't in control of every little thing I would go insane - I'm starting to let loose a little bit
17. The Max face. Enough said. Maybe I'll post a photo one day, if I'm brave enough
18. He finds it hard to spend money on himself, but he will contemplate it if its for his car - he treats that little Mazda like a million bucks
19. He will do everything and anything for his family, even when they're driving him crazy (that takes patience people!!)
20. He is just such a good person. I never have to think about what he may be doing or why. He has the most perfect morals and loyalty that there is nothing to worry about.
Happy birthday boo! I love you, hope you had a fabulous day, and can't wait to spend many more with you!